

  • Oct16 2024

Many development program initiatives or projects have been initiated with the popular approach of formation of women SHGs with the aim of strengthening the socio-economic conditions of the neglected and poor women members at Panchayat/ ward, Block/ULBs and District levels through effective capacity building initiatives. The Self Help Groups are to be well facilitated by good community level organizers. In certain cases, the SHGs are moderated by village or community level leaders having strong credibility and carrying high trust and faith levels of people. The facilitators are often called CRPs or Sahayikas/Sahayakas.

Activities: GPF has been supporting SHG’s in Mumbai with about 30 women and helping them find work in the following areas:

  1. Tailoring
  2. Catering (only in Mumbai between Mahalaxmi and Bandra)
  3. Data Entry Operator
  4. Packing


Impact/Outcome: Since April 2020, GPF has actively participated in supporting the locals from the urban slum areas. We have provided Dry Ration to around 1000 families. Our organization wishes to provide further and constant support to the women of SHG by helping them create self-sustaining livelihood generation mediums.


You have the power to save a life!