

  • Oct16 2024

For a citizen a country does everything from providing a shelter, to giving a family and security. A country to a person is more like a mother than as a nation. So, as being a child of this mother we do carry some duties towards her and towards other citizens. In our constitution for an ideal citizen duties and rights are on a same stage. Duties are given an equal emphasis as that to the rights. These duties were designed on the basis to ensure a better society and life in our country.

Since the ancient times in our country citizens are expected to serve their motherland prior to us and our family. This is heritage that we all inherit from our ancestors proudly and this is the pledge that makes all of us feel proud to be an Indian. Our teachers carved this as the Dharma of every citizen of the great Hindustan. Here Dharma signifies the Karma or Duties that every citizen is responsible for towards his country and its men. So, every citizen of our country is bounded with duties to be fulfilled towards others whether stated in our constitution or inherited by us from our ancestors. But at present are we capable of doing what does our nation expect from us? Are we all creating an aura of peace and harmony? Are we fulfilling the needs of our society? Or we all are running away from our responsibilities? <br.
In present scenario, answers to all these questions stand in negative. Today we all are incapable of creating a safe country for our sisters, mothers and daughters to whom our Dharma worships. At present our citizens are not like a family but are distinguished on the mere basis of caste. And this is not the day for which our motherly land nourished us. Today people are more concerned about themselves and this has shadowed in their hearts the duties they morally carry towards their motherland.
Today people are passive towards the duties they are responsible for towards our society and country. And if this continues then the remaining tokens of humanity in our hearts will also fall along with the hope we all take for a better tomorrow. In our country at present the government is in need of investing more on their citizens for development. The losing take of duties has resulted in migration of educated, skilled and talented people to developed countries. Those people for their self gains are ready to sacrifice the better tomorrow of their own land. They easily forget their Dharma and Karma under the darkness of their self gains of luxury. The people who are in the country are more concerned on acquiring their self motives. After this, do we still carry the right to call ourselves Indians? We the respective citizens of India have to understand that nothing could survive without a balance. Our motherland cares for us and gives us rights and similarly it also expects us to follow the duties. Until and unless we would not take our duties as our Dharma then we also cannot ensure a “Prosperous India” that we all dream for.


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